February, 2022 Prayer Letter

Next Service: Sunday, February 27, 2022, 6:30 p.m.

San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, 5404 Williams Drive, Georgetown

As a father has compassion for his children, so the Lord has compassion for those who fear Him. For He knows how we were made; He remembers that we are dust.  —Psalm 103: 13-14 NRSV

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service, 

Our focus this season is on The Lord’s Prayer.  Jesus is the greatest source of comfort in the world, and as God in human form, He makes known to us God’s compassionate nature. As we know, during Jesus’ life on earth, He taught His followers The Lord’s Prayer, to honor our Maker—the one true God, and to seek His Divine support. It is comforting to know that God our Father knows how we are made and has compassion on us.

This month our focus is “But deliver us from evil” – a powerful and necessary prayer in our lives. Our message will be given by a new voice, yet a long-time friend of the Taizé Wholeness Services. Rev. Vicki Joy McClure has attended services at all three host churches – here, First Methodist and First Presbyterian and will now provide our February meditation. We welcome her and look forward to learning how the Holy Spirit speaks through her.  Please be sure to pray for Rev. Vicki Joy and everyone involved in the service. 

We apologize for the misprint of our January service date, which was January 23. January 26 was the incorrect date not caught before publication. We regret having failed to reach everyone about this date correction, and many of you may have missed the service. Please know that we missed you too! I hope that you will join us as we worship together on February 27, the correct February service date! For the remainder of the year, there are no date mistakes.

This month we will be gathering in person again.  We hope to continue to meet at San Gabriel Presbyterian Church through May, remaining sensitive to what is going on locally with Covid.  Please continue to pray for those suffering from Covid, as well as their families, caregivers, and medical people on the front lines.

As usual the service February 27 will include the beautiful music from the Taizé Community in France, along with intercessory prayer, personal prayer and anointing, candle-lighting, silence, a message on “deliver us from evil”, and communion.  We hope that you will be able to attend.  If you are unable to join us physically, we will also be live-streaming the service and later posting it to our YouTube channel.

The service is at San Gabriel Presbyterian Church on February 27, 2022 at 6:30 pm. We hope to see you there!  All are welcome. Please spread the word and invite others to join us. 

God bless you, 

Rev. Ann Hagmann
