January, 2022 Prayer Letter

Next Service: Sunday, January 23, 2022, 6:30 p.m.

San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, 5404 Williams Drive, Georgetown

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service, 

Here at the beginning of a fresh new year this is our prayer. Lord, we recognize that the past two years have been difficult ones. Please relieve us of the temptation to focus on the conditions of illness and death, of violence, and of loneliness in our world. We lift our heads and pray for resilience in this new year as we peer into the future, and envision how we can help with joy, rather than dismay, knowing that your omnipotence is sovereign. When we pray “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” we yearn for safety from the evil in the world and the temptations within us.  

We are thankful to be meeting this year at the San Gabriel Presbyterian Church located at 5404 Williams Drive in Georgetown. Our hosts have instructed that all unvaccinated participants and children be masked during the service, and will have complimentary masks at the door for any who would like to take one. The sanctuary will be arranged in a mindful social distancing arrangement.  

The theme for this year is The Lord’s Prayer.  Reverend Mary Powell will be leading us in the meditation on avoiding temptation and evil.  As usual the services will involve the beautiful music from the Taizé Community in France, along with intercessory prayer, personal prayer and anointing, candle-lighting, silence, a message or meditation, and communion.  We hope that you will be able to attend!  If you are not able, we will also live-stream the services and post a recorded copy to our YouTube channel.

As always please be in prayer about our services and the many people necessary to put them on. If you would like to help with the services or join the choir (All are welcome!), please email us at volunteer@wholeness-service.org. Thank you!

We hope you can join us to begin the new year with beautiful worship in song, scripture, and prayers, and please spread the word and invite others.  


Rev. Mary Powell
