March, 2021 Prayer Letter: Faithfulness

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service: 

I’ve been thinking about faithfulness a lot lately, the faithfulness of friends, of family, and wondering if I have been as faithful.   Perhaps it is because Suzanne and I are learning to be grandparents, and we want to be faithful to that great honor.  Normally we are far away from this place we call home (we serve as cross-cultural witnesses in Vietnam), but COVID has extended our time here in Central Texas, and we don’t want to squander that blessing by being unfaithful to this unexpected opportunity.   

So much has changed, so much is unknown, and we could spend our days worrying about what comes next, or when this pandemic will end, but in worry, we might miss the blessing of the faithful and good around us. 

St. Augustine put it this way, “We must seek out the good things peculiar to the good, and give the widest berth to the evils peculiar to evil men.” (Smith, James Bryan. The Good and Beautiful God: Falling in Love with the God Jesus Knows)   I think Augustine means we should focus our attention on the faithful good that has come out of the pandemic.  Recognizing that there has been a terrible loss of life, but also an opportunity to reconnect to a life lived differently, more faithfully.  

Faithfulness is the seventh gift of the Holy Spirit, and our focus this month when Dr. John Clifford will address the challenge and rewards of “Faithfulness for the Long Run.”  Last month it was so good to welcome back Rev. Dr Ann Hagmann for her message on Goodness [click here for the link].  

Join us in our congregational Zoom Gathering at 6:30 p.m., March 28, 2021.

This month will feature a liturgy of cleansing that requires a bowl of water, and a towel. As usual there will be music, candle-lighting, intercessory prayer, a five-minute period of silence, more music, and a closing benediction to prepare us for Holy Week!

We are thankful for the faithfulness of God as we gather to worship online! We welcome you to join us for Healing and Wholeness on March 28. Please come!

[link to the worship service]

Rev. Steve Buchele