There may come a time when you wish to practice contemplative prayers on your own. When you do, you’ll find yourself considering how to make these moments with God peaceful and intimate. Many hours are spent at the Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness Services considering things such as lighting, sound, placement of […]
What is the Wholeness Service?
3 posts
In the beginning . . . The Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness Service started in the late 1990’s at First Presbyterian Church as a ministry of healing prayer for those in need. As it grew, it attracted other churches and soon formed an ecumenical circle of leadership. After a few years, the […]
What if there were a place and time where you and God could just sit down together? Life moves fast, peaceful moments are rare. What if you could count on a time every month where you could sit still, close your eyes, and lean on God? What if someone prepared […]