Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done… Matthew 6:10a One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in […]
September 26, 2021 Gathering John 14: 4-8 During the 2021-2022 season, the Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness Service will explore and celebrate aspects of The Lord’s Prayer. Each month we will focus on one phrase of the prayer Jesus taught us to pray. With this unifying prayer, we connect not only with […]
A Fellowship of Believers The Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness Service is not a church. Instead, we are a fellowship of area believers who come from many different churches, and sometimes from no church at all. We gather during the seasons of Wholeness for a single purpose: to pray by candlelight for […]
Greetings to you, our friends in the Wholeness Community on this glorious day in Georgetown, Texas. Today, July 26, 2021, we have some important updates for you. On May 9, 2020 when this post was originally written, COVID-19 was upsetting group gatherings in ways that ultimately shut down performances, theatre, […]
Greetings to All! This past season, we have enjoyed serving you and being with you in an online capacity; and yet, there is always something extra special about worshipping in person. Well, we have good news! We are pleased to announce that the Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness Service will meet live […]
Greetings to All! This past season, we have enjoyed serving you and being with you in an online capacity; and yet, there is always something extra special about worshipping in person. Well, we have good news! We are pleased to announce that the Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness Service will meet live […]
Join us on April 25 for our next Wholeness meeting by Zoom, where Rev. Mary Powell will deliver a meditation based on Philippians 4:4-5 and beginning of Psalm 23. Visualize a shepherd seeking a lost lamb. He reaches down over a cliff and gently grasps the front legs of the […]
How did you handle the big freeze? or the COVID year? Dealing with extended challenges is a challenge itself! As Christians, we are called to “faithfulness” — a lifelong path of following Christ. How can we meet that expectation? Consider some of our resources! Join us in our congregational Zoom […]
On November 13, 2020 when my spine doctor advised me that I needed a serious spine surgery, the Holy Spirit comforted me with Psalm 27:13-14 “I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart […]
Entering 2021 with all of the uncertainty before us, one “resolution” that will stand us in good stead is the resolve to be kind. Kindness involves Compassion, Empathy, Understanding and Acceptance. My hope is to bring these to every encounter. This is not particularly difficult with those I love but […]
In December, we will meet four days before a Christmas Eve that will be unlike any that have come before it, at least for us alive today. This year, The Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness Service has been working through the Fruits of the Spirit, and December’s topic is Peace. In December’s […]
God gives us the spiritual gift of patience, so that we can calmly wait for life to unfold in God’s time. As the seasons progress, we practice patience day by day. We wait for an end to fear or illness or doubt, and we endure. We struggle to be patient […]