Dears, Happy New Year! I’ve been reflecting on life’s complexities and paradoxes. As we consider the stars, the huge Texas sky, the sun rises and sunsets…it’s so beautiful. And then, we consider the illnesses and deaths and complicated relationship issues…it’s such a contrast to the beauty, and we suffer. In our […]
Did you miss the service at St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church in Salado? Here’s a link to the livestream video. Don’t forget to join us at San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, Georgetown, Texas for the next service on January 26.
A series of ecumenical services in Salado and Georgetown The Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness Service ( will return with a series of candlelight prayer events starting early in the New Year, 2025. With partners both north and south of Georgetown, the first service of the year takes place at 6:30 pm […]
God’s love for us is relentless. God sees each of us as precious. We are surrounded, immersed, and permeated with this love. We don’t earn this love, we return it. The big question is “how do I do this?” God Bless Us All–Every One! Jim Deuser
This month we explore “Courage to Love.” Wow, what a challenge! Since I’m not an ordained minister or preacher, instead of a “meditation,” I would like to offer some “reflections” to contemplate. Perhaps definitions for “Courage” and “Love” in this context will help. I see “Courage,” as “Strength in the […]
“Courage and Good Night.” You have to be of a certain age or demographic for that phrase to sound familiar. “Courage and Good Night” was Dan Rather’s sign off after the CBS Evening News. It’s like Walter Cronkite’s “And that’s the way it is,” Edward R. Murrow’s “Good night […]
Courage is the theme for this year’s Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness Service. Last Month Rev. Vicky Joy McClure shared Courage to Hear, and in September Rev. Mary Sallet shared Courage to See, so it seems fitting that our focus this month is Courage to Discern after we have both seen and […]
Once upon a time, a long time ago, (but not too long) there was a boy named Samuel and he had never before heard the Lord’s voice, but he kept hearing a call in the darkness of night. Come hear more of the story as we read from I Samuel […]
Our lives are so busy and noisy. How can we hear the voice of God? How can we practice listening? Quieting down, slowing down, listening in silence means we are in a mode of receiving. When we talk, we are in giving mode. Listen…Open to what is and what might be. […]
COURAGE TO SEE Greetings, Family and Friends!We are excited to invite you to the Wholeness Service 2024-25 season, which is based on theme of Courage! Come join us on September 22 at 6:30 pm as we explore together the “Courage to See.” On the fourth Sunday of each month (with […]
Greetings everyone! This month of September, we start a new season on the topic of Courage. On September 22, we will explore the “Courage to See.” I have written five statements or questions that may frequently enter into our discernment and prayer life: 1. Have you considered that your eye is […]
We are pleased to announce our 2024-2025 season. Join us this year at San Gabriel Presbyterian Church—Georgetown, TX for candlelight, contemplative prayer. We are also delighted to kick off our season with Taizé Evening Prayers at St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church in Salado Texas, and to bring back the remembrance of […]