Attend a Service

Wholeness Services are prepared nine months out of each calendar year, from September through May, with a regular break during the months of June-August.

The topical focus for 2024-25 is Courage. Meetings take place on these dates:

September 22           Courage to See
October 27                
Courage to Hear
November 24             Courage to Discern
December 15             Courage to Love
January 26                Courage to Suffer
February 23              Courage to Believe
March 23                   Courage to Act
April 27                     Courage to Journey
May 25                      Courage to Serve

* Except for December, services take place every 4th Sunday

In addition to our regular worship gatherings, we will host three additional events:

August 25                  Taizé Evening Prayers in Salado  
November 1              
All Saints’ Observance (Outdoors in the church Columbarium)
January 12                Taizé Evening Prayers in Salado

Next Event

Our main host for this season is San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, 5404 Williams Drive, Georgetown, TX 78633

Our second host for this season is St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church, 881 N. Main St., Salado, TX 76571

Both Live-streamed and Virtual Services are offered online via our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel.

San Gabriel Presbyterian Church
St. Joseph's Episcopal Church
What to Expect

You and your children are both welcome inside the service. If you prefer nursery care for a young child, we’re here for you. To coordinate a nursery, send an email to us at: inviteme @ (no spaces).

We must hire 2 workers to comply with child protection policies. For that reason, please request care at least one week in advance.

Worship Philosophy

Our philosophy and some of our history is described below. Or, view our Livestream for an idea of how we conduct our in-person services.