Prayer Letter for October 2024

bunny in shrubs

Once upon a time, a long time ago, (but not too long) there was a boy named Samuel and he had never before heard the Lord’s voice, but he kept hearing a call in the darkness of night.  Come hear more of the story as we read from I Samuel on October 27 and contemplate “The Courage to Hear.”  

How do you listen for God’s voice?  

It is our hope and prayer that the Wholeness service provides a time and space for you to quiet and listen to God’s voice in candlelit prayers, in Taize song, music, and word, and communion with the Body of Christ.

Come as you are, mourning or troubled, seeking fellowship, peace, or purity in heart…all are welcome as we come together,regarding each other as children of God and disciples of Christ.    

Peace be with you, 

Rev. Vicki Joy McClure
