September, 2019 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service,

It is with joy that I welcome you to our new season of the Ecumenical Wholeness Services in Georgetown.  We are a group of volunteers across the board who make themselves available to the Holy Spirit and who come together to worship and commune with God, as we find healing and wholeness, peace and goodwill together.  We use many different avenues to invite the Holy Spirit in – heart filled music, prayers including intercessions and petitions, Scripture and reflections, and rituals of candle lighting, anointing prayer and communion.  

Our focus this year is on Loving God – Seeking the Sacred in the Ordinary. It is an exciting and relevant topic to encourage our living a practical and love filled faith.  The September 22nd theme is Choosing God. The service will be at 6:30 pm at the First United Methodist Church of Georgetown.  We are welcoming Stephen Ministers from San Gabriel Presbyterian and First Methodist Churches to provide the personal prayer and anointing in our services. A number of them also serve as chaplains at St. David’s Hospital.

We hope and pray that you are as excited about our upcoming services as we are! And that you will pray for those of us facilitating the services and those of us who are attending.  Pray that we successfully open to the Holy Spirit and that God moves to touch us and bring us healing, hope, love, integration and wholeness throughout the season.  Pray also that God provides the volunteers needed for the candle and pastoral ministries and overall support for the services, as well as for our congregation, who are recipients and participants of the prayers.

I hope you were able to catch the Taize Common Prayer Service August 25th at Wellspring United Methodist Church that led us through the canon of Taize prayer songs for our season. Taize music provides a wonderful prayer conduit to the Holy Spirit.  We are extremely blest with our Little Choir of instrumentalists and singers under Ginger Mann’s direction! 

A shout out and thank you also to Bill Marsh of First Methodist, who keeps up with all the physical parts of the service, prayer bowls, communion sets etc. and gets them from and to the sanctuary and storage.

Thank you for your prayers, and I look forward to welcoming you to our new season of services kicking off at 6:30 pm on September 22nd at First United Methodist Church onLoving God – Seeking the Sacred in the Ordinary – Choosing God.  Brochures will be available for the 2019-2020 services.  Please feel free to invite others and to share this prayer letter. God bless you and keep you!

In Christ’s love, 

              Rev Dr Ann Hagmann

The Earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.

Psalm 24:1