Prayer Letter for MAY 2024

crucifix stain glass


Last in-person gathering of the 2023-24 Season: May 26, 6:30 PM! 

Dear Friends:

You are heartily welcomed to our last service of the 2023-24 season on the topic of Pursuing Peace, entitled “Responsible Peace.” This service takes place May 26 at 6:30 p.m., and we will again worship in the beautiful sanctuary of our host San Gabriel Presbyterian Church. In our service, we will remove ourselves from the chaos of everyday living and from the unsettling worldly news and come worship in God’s sanctuary, where we may receive God’s peace and where He will refresh our souls.

In community, we will recognize that we are not alone in our desire for peace, nor in our faculties for fostering peace together. God will always be with us as we share His peace with our families, our friends, our communities, and indeed, with those of whom we may not understand or trust.

Please pray with me:

Lord God, in a world filled with strife, we long for peace.

Yet we continue to pretend we are gods ourselves, who by our own strength and wisdom can make the world what we want. Teach us to surrender ourselves instead to your Kingdom as our real home, where your people become the servants of holy love and grace, that peace may take hold among us and begin to change at least our corner of the world.

In Jesus name. Amen.

We look forward to seeing you in the beautiful sanctuary of San Gabriel Presbyterian Church on MAY 26, 2024 at 6:30 p.m..  

For more information, see [Responsible Peace].

Rev. John Clifford


Address: San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, 5404 Williams Drive, Georgetown, TX 78633