From Anger to Peace

Ephesians 4: 31-32, from the Passion Translation: Lay aside bitter words, temper tantrums, revenge, profanity, and insults. But, instead be kind and affectionate toward one another. Has God graciously forgiven you? Then graciously forgive one another in the depths of Christ’s love.

1.   Are you angry now at a person, place, or thing? Is forgiveness/peace the furthest from your mind and heart?

2. How are we able to bridge the gap between anger/rage to peace?

3.  Sometimes we use our anger to be in control of our environment. What would happen if we let it go?  How would it feel?

4.  Can you see that resentments/anger hurt you more than the person or thing that it is aimed at?

5.  The gift of forgiveness/peace, is it really possible?  Outside sources may be needed.

Let’s brush the surface of these probing questions without judgement or fear. Love conquers all, and God is love.

Rev. Mary Margaret Sallet