
‘Amen’ is a Biblical shout proclaiming: “So be it!,” or “Let it be as said!” Its Semitic root means “certainty,” “truth,” and “verily.”  As we know, the word ‘Amen’ frequently occurs at the end of a prayer, and a worshipper will say ‘Amen’ to indicate they are in agreement with what is being prayed. “So be it; let it be said; in truth; we agree!”  

At the end of The Lord’s Prayer series, we now come to the ‘Amen.’  God’s timing is perfect, and it felt like a sweet kiss from God when this topic coincided with my self-discernment that this “Amen meditation and service”—this “so be it” to the Lord’s Prayer—will also be the final service of my 20 years of wholeness work in the Taizé/Healing & Wholeness ecumenical services which have been sequentially held at First Presbyterian, First United Methodist, and San Gabriel Presbyterian Churches in Georgetown. 

I have always felt God calling and blessing me to serve as part of this worship ministry. Now this ‘Amen’ service is my testimony, my “so be it,” “here I stand” to the leading, guiding, and healing work the Holy Spirit has done in our midst all these years!!! 

Thanks be to God and to God be the glory! In truth!; with certainty!; let it be as said!…Amen!

Rev. Dr. Ann Hagmann