
Faithfulness for the Long Run

How did you handle the big freeze? or the COVID year? Dealing with extended challenges is a challenge itself! As Christians, we are called to “faithfulness” — a lifelong path of following Christ. How can we meet that expectation? Consider some of our resources!

Join us in our congregational Zoom Gathering at 6:30 p.m., March 28, 2021, when Rev. John Clifford will address the challenge and rewards of “Faithfulness for the Long Run.”

In addition to this thoughtful meditation, there will be music, candle-lighting, intercessory prayer, a five-minute period of silence, more music, a time to freely share, as desired (typically something someone has noticed as a blessing, or uplifting in some way), and a closing benediction to refresh us for the week!

We are thankful that God is omnipresent–even as we worship online! We welcome you to join us for Healing and Wholeness on March 28. Please come!

Click here to learn more.