November, 2020 Prayer Letter

woman holding white happy birthday greeting card


November 29, 2020 6:30 PM
December 20, 2019 7 PM

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Services,

Greetings of grace and peace. Whew ….. we have survived the elections, and Thanksgiving is this week!  Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Most importantly let us give genuine thanks to God and offer true prayers of gratitude for all our blessings.  I often think when I use something or consume it, to give thanks to God for everyone (including animals) involved in providing me that product.  [You quickly learn how interconnected and involved everything is.]  Think about your washer –all the parts and their origins; and everyone involved with the conception, design, production, transportation, assembly, transportation, and sale of the parts and washer. Be sure to add in thanks for all the janitors and managers etc. associated with all those facets of a ‘simple’ washer.  I encourage you to make a habit of being aware and thankful, making every day a season of thanksgiving. 

There are behind the scenes people in the Wholeness Gatherings to thank, too. I would like to give Ginger Mann a shout out for the tech work and coordination she had done to provide the Zoom services and the Facebook and YouTube presences.  Also, to Karen Strange who is instrumental in assisting her and to Bill Marsh who helps on the Zoom services.   

I am excited to tell you about our two remaining Zooms this year.  On November 29th Rev. Mary Powell’s meditation will address “Wait for the Lord with Patience.”  Patience and waiting, hard words for most of us! Our worship will also have a theme of Thanksgiving.  Then on December 20th Rev. Steve Buchele will lead us in a very interesting meditation, “A Peace that Is Not ….” The December service will offer our traditional Christmas carols.  Please keep everyone connected with the services in your prayers, and we hope to see you there!  Please reach out and encourage someone else to join. ACCESS information for the Zoom Gatherings is below following my letter.

 I look forward to seeing you on November 29th.  After that I must step aside. As some of you know I have been having increasing difficulty with my back the last 5 months.  On December 7th I am having major spine surgery.  Once I am out of the hospital, I anticipate going into therapy for a couple of weeks.  I hope to go home on Christmas.  But the future is very uncertain except for who has it!  I would be most grateful for your prayers.  I have had laminectomies and fusions, and I know how tough it is to recover.   My recovery this time is grossly complicated by my broken iliac crest but thank goodness I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13). Amen?! All prayers are appreciated!!

Mr. Jim Deuser and the Revs. Steve Buchele, John Clifford, and Mary Powell will provide pastoral leadership and help be a bridge in our spiritual journey to healing and wholeness through worship and prayer.  Ginger Mann, Karen Strange, artists Keith Howell and David Arendsee, and the community of musicians and artists who work with them will continue to provide wonderful worship for us.  Keep them all in your prayers.  I hope to be back.  It has been an enormous blessing and honor these last 18 years to be a part of this awesome service! Thank you to everyone.  God bless and keep each and every one of you.

A blessed Thanksgiving to you and those you love,

Rev. Dr. Ann Hagmann     

NOVEMBER Gathering

WHEN: November 29, 2020 @ 6:15 pm – 7:30 pm America/Chicago Timezone

WHERE: Zoom Bridge 

DECEMBER Gathering

WHEN: December 20, 2020 @ 6:45 pm – 8:00 pm America/Chicago Timezone

WHERE: Zoom bridge 

Please see below message about ‘Viewing Our Zoom bridge’.



Our Zoom Portal:  You may use our website’s Zoom Portal in order to join our meetings with one click. Simply log in (click the link above), and you will be directed to the page with all Zoom details. If you do not have an account, click the “register” button to create a new one. Registration takes only seconds, but give yourself time to complete it, and to reach out for support if you need. 

Email instead: If you would rather receive a Zoom invitation by email, please send a request to A service leader will respond by sending you a Zoom invitation directly. 

Joining the meeting:  Connect by clicking one of the “join” links at around 6:15 pm on the day of the meeting (NOTE DIFFERENT TIME FOR DECEMBER 20). You will be placed in our waiting room, and the meeting coordinator will admit you. 

Using Zoom in our meetings: At first your Zoom window may not fill your whole screen. Click on the Square at the top right of the Zoom window to expand it. Your microphone will be muted, as you may see by the microphone image in the bottom left. You may unmute by pressing the space bar when you wish to share. The stage manager will switch from a gallery view with all participants showing to another view for presentations, but you are in full control of your individual experience, and may change it at any time. 

Recordings: Screen capture recordings of some segments of the service will take place. Prayers, meditations, candle lighting, intercessory litanies – all of these will be recorded for use in virtual service videos after the meetings. Please be assured that personal concerns and congregational sharing will NOT be recorded or shared publicly except with the consent of all person(s) involved. 

Support: If you have problems with your computer or with joining the Zoom bridge, you may call Bill Marsh at 512-635-0035. You may also wish to watch this brief tutorial about joining a Zoom meeting.