October, 2020 Prayer Letter

astronomy dark dawn dusk

November 1, 2020 6:30 PM

(Prelude at 6:15 PM)

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Services,

 Greetings of grace and peace. And may the Lord be with you!

I hope you are finding joy and peace in the midst of our dry but beautiful Fall.  Certainly we need peace and sources of strength as we live in the divided country and world that we do.  Nature and prayer are two of the best avenues to follow for grace.  Let us travel them often!

This prayer letter is packed with important information about the Wholeness Services for the remainder of 2020.  I am excited to share with you that we are planning 3 Zoom services during the remainder of 2020!  Preludes begin at 6:15 pm with the services following at 6:30.

The 3 services are:

  1. November 1 Joy and Faithfulness in the Body of Christ

Our November 1st service will blend the themes of joy and All Saints, offering opportunities in intercessory prayers to lift up loved ones who have died, as well as providing a photo video of remembrances (see below in Section A “Invitation to send a remembrance”).

  1. November 29 focusing on patience – the title is “Wait for the Lord.” The date coincides with the beginning of Advent.
  2. And December 20 focusing on peace – the title is “A peace that is not …” This is our Christmas service.

Please pray for the services and those providing leadership.  Pray for our country and for the world.   Amid this chaotic political season, pray for peace peace peace and unity unity unity.  Pray for protection of people voting and clear honesty in election results.  Pray for healing and unity in love, in Christ.  When talking about being the Good Shepherd Jesus said He had two flocks – one who knew His voice and one that did not (John 10:16).  I think that includes everyone!  Please pray for God’s Spirit to save us, heal us, guide us, and empower us to be the disciples, the lights, the body Jesus calls us and needs us to be. 

Please plan to join us now on these 3 dates and help promote healing and wholeness in our lives and the world around us.  Additionally, please help us get the word out to your churches and organizations. 

Below in Section A  you will find information about how to submit a loved one’s photo for our special All Saints video this November 1stPLEASE note – photos are due by October 28. 

We have increased our Zoom security and will require a login in the future.  All the information that you need to set this up is also below in Section B. I recently experienced a zoom hate bombing, and I can assure you it is a very unpleasant experience!  Ginger has worked hard to make us even more secure in the future than we have been in the past.

I pray that God bless you, heal you, and keep you!  I pray God saves us from ourselves and God bless and fill the whole Earth with healing power and forgiveness.  

Rev. Dr. Ann Hagmann 


Invitation to send a remembrance: 

In recognition of All Saint’s Day, we would like to acknowledge the passing of loved ones who are close to our congregation. The year 2020 has made it difficult to gather in person and celebrate the lives of those who have gone on. During our next Zoom Prayer gathering, we will compile a short video segment dedicated to the lives of friends and loved ones lost this year. After this segment, an opportunity will be given for personal candle lighting.

We would like to invite you to participate in these remembrances. If you have lost someone this year, or if a member of your community has passed away, send a note and a photo to inviteme@wholeness-service.org. We will include your memory in our video, and honor it as a congregation on All Saint’s Day. 

Here’s what we need:

  • Your name 
  • Name(s) of the deceased
  • Photo of the deceased (as large – high resolution – as possible)
  • Dates of birth / death (if known)
  • Relation to you – if relevant
  • Optional: a brief statement of who they were, how they are remembered
  • Send everything to: inviteme@wholeness-service.org

Important: Please send all remembrances by Wednesday, October 28 so we will have time to include them.

Zoom Meeting Information:

Join us in our congregational Zoom Gathering on November 1, All Saint’s Day, for the second in our series of congregational Zoom gatherings. On this day, we will come together again as a Body, and give special focus to those loved ones we have lost during the challenging year of 2020.

In the gathering, you will have an opportunity to:

  • light your own candles at home to reflect your prayers
  • lift up personally prayer requests during the intercessory time
  • observe a few minutes of deep silence together

Be sure to check us out on YouTube and Facebook for all of our virtual worship offerings, which are posted at various times during the month.

Our Zoom Bridge can be accessed on this page: Wholeness 2020: Prayers by Zoom



Our Zoom Portal:  You may use our website’s Zoom Portal in order to join our meetings with one click. Simply log in (click the link above), and you will be directed to the page with all Zoom details. If you do not have an account, click the “register” button to create a new one. Registration takes only seconds, but give yourself time to complete it, and to reach out for support if you need.

Email instead: If you would rather receive a Zoom invitation by email, please send a request to inviteme@wholeness-service.org. A service leader will respond by sending you a Zoom invitation directly.

Joining the meeting:  Connect by clicking one of the “join” links at around 6:15 pm on the day of the meeting. You will be placed in our waiting room, and the meeting coordinator will admit you.

Using Zoom in our meetings: At first your Zoom window may not fill your whole screen. Click on the Square at the top right of the Zoom window to expand it. Your microphone will be muted, as you may see by the microphone image in the bottom left. You may unmute by pressing the space bar when you wish to share. The stage manager will switch from a gallery view with all participants showing to another view for presentations, but you are in full control of your individual experience, and may change it at any time.

Recordings: Screen capture recordings of some segments of the service will take place. Prayers, meditations, candle lighting, intercessory litanies – all of these will be recorded for use in virtual service videos after the meetings. Please be assured that personal concerns and congregational sharing will NOT be recorded or shared publicly except with the consent of all person(s) involved.

Support: If you have problems with your computer or with joining the Zoom bridge, you may call Bill Marsh at 512-635-0035. You may also wish to watch this brief tutorial on joining a Zoom meeting.