February, 2020 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Services, Happy Valentines to each of you!

This coming February 23rd we will gather in community to worship God and be present in a service focused on the theme of Relationships. How do we relate to God? To others? To animals? To the earth? How do we relate? It is perhaps the most important question there is. Love epitomized Jesus and should inform how we relate to everything.  But does it?  Our service will be an opportunity to ponder this in the healing presence of God’s love and the healing musical prayers of Taize.

I hope that you will be able to be with us this month.  Please pray that the healing love of God be poured out at our service and that the Holy Spirit might be among us and encourage us.  Rev Dr Ann Hagmann will lead our reflection, Mr Jim Deuser our litany, and Rev Mary Powell our communion.  Please keep them, Ginger Mann and the Little Choir, and all of our volunteers in your prayers for our service.  Please also lift-up those that will be drawn to it for sacred time and space, for encouragement in faith-hope and love.  May God hear their prayers and those of all of us. 

Our next service is at First United Methodist Church on Sunday February 23rd at 6:30 pm.

May you have a blest Valentine’s tomorrow. God loves you and is smiling at you!

Rev Dr Ann Hagmann

PS If you know anyone who would appreciate this prayer letter, please pass it on.  Also, there are flyers available at the services.

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