July, 2019 Prayer Letter

Upcoming Events:

August 25th 6:30 Taizé Common Prayers at Wellspring
September 22nd 6:30 Opening Wholeness Service 2019-2020


Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service,

The grace, light, and strength of the Lord Jesus Christ be with each of you!  I hope your Summertime has been marked by favorite activities.  As always it seems like the time is racing by.  I pray the rest of your Summer is uplifting.

As I reflect back over last year, we the Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness Service are very much about creating a culture of wholeness – a place of peace and nurture where you can just listen and be, a place where multiple senses are touched, and numerous opportunities are offered to participate in rituals and prayers, as we seek connection with the Holy Spirit.  I realize what a privilege and honor it is to help create such a culture and space for healing and wholeness.  I thank each of you for your prayers and contributions to our greater whole.  After all we are all volunteers! God calls us and blesses us!

I know last year’s change in location was hard on many of us, but you know, it offers us the space to grow and meets the needs of others.  And the move is reflective of the changes in the world we live.  It is a larger world we are now thrust in vs the one we grew up in.  But there is peace in the large and beautiful First United Methodist Sanctuary too!  To nurture the feeling of intimacy, maybe sometimes in the services we just need to soak it in and then close our eyes and feel the service with our beings.   

Another insight that Ginger Mann brought is that we have essentially made a merger of the Taize Common Prayer Service and a healing and wholeness service.  Clarity in who we are helps us to be it! How blest we are to have Ginger and all the musicians, singers, and support staff that bless us with those heavenly prayer songs.

We are very much looking forward to the services in upcoming months, and we hope that you are anticipating them as well and praying for their effectiveness in creating sacred space and connection with the Earth Maker-Pain Bearer-Life Giver of us all.  

Ginger will provide more information next month but on August 25th at 6:30 pm at Wellspring United Methodist Church she is going to lead a Taize Common Prayer Service to in part introduce the 27 Taize songs that will form our music canon this 2019-2020 season.  

Then on September 22nd at 6:30 pm at First United Methodist Church we will gather for the first service of the new season focusing on the theme of Loving God – Seeking the Sacred in the Ordinary. The night’s topic is on Choosing God.

We are grateful to you for your participation & prayers. More information and brochures will be coming.  We hope to see you at 6:30 pm on August 25th at Wellspring United Methodist Church.  Please feel free to invite others and to share this prayer letter. God bless you!  

In Christ’s love, 

              Rev Dr Ann Hagmann