May, 2019 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service,

Greetings of grace and hope!  It is hard to believe we are at our 9th service for our first season series at First United Methodist Church!  It seems the time has flown by.

The move of the Little Choir and instrumentalists to the main sanctuary floor last month went well.  Special thank you to Ginger Mann (especially), Bill Marsh, Sandy Pitman, Judy Turnbull, Bren Helmka, and Evonne Welp for helping to make everything work.  Also thank you to those who set up and took down the reception last month and to everyone who took the time to attend. It was a nice crowd and a good opportunity to visit with one another.  I thank God for each of you!

Last month’s service included an exciting new direction for our services.  A Stephen Minister from First United Methodist and from San Gabriel Presbyterian Churches assisted in the personal prayer time.  Margie Fuhr and Clara Yeck helped provide prayers. They also work as volunteer chaplains at St. David’s Georgetown.  We are excited to have the involvement and support of Stephen Ministers and anticipate offering two locations for personal prayer starting in September. Thanks be to God for this new addition!

Our May service focuses on Peace and completes our series on Hospitality and the Healing Hearth.  Rev. Steve Buchele will be in town and join us again.  Also joining again and becoming a regular is Jim Deuser (from St. Helen’s) who offered the Acceptance Prayer Litany in April.  He will do another litany in May.  Peace will be considered from the Hebrew word shalom meaning peace not as an absence of war but peace as a safety in mind, body, spirit, and estate – peace that speaks of completeness, fullness, and a wholeness that encourage us to connect and give back.

As we move towards this final season service and the Summertime break, please pray for the protection, provision, and inspiration of the planners and participants of our May service and next season’s series.  Pray for the continued growth of our Taize ecumenical wholeness community and an effectiveness in promoting God’s shalom among us. During the Summer please commit to regularly remembering us in prayer even though we are not meeting.

We are grateful to you for your participation & prayers. Our final season service is Sunday May 26th at 6:30 pm at First United Methodist Church. Invite others, and we hope to see you there!