December, 2018 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service,

Your prayers are precious to us, and we are grateful for your support!  We are getting settled in at First United Methodist Church. The November service included an excellent meditation on graciousness by Mary Meoli Johnson, along with the beautiful candlelight, music, and rituals.

Our next service, the December service, has become one of my favorites.  The service blends Taize songs with traditional Christmas music.  The December candle lighting period will provide a rich selection of Christmas favorites and communion will include a special on God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman.

The holidays, and Christmas in particular, can often be a difficult or emotional time for people.  It is our hope and prayer that our December service will provide a time and space for healing and wholeness- a sacred place where we can be close to the hearth of the Holy Spirit through the richness of prayers and rituals.  God is waiting for us to show up!  Please pray for the service, all those involved, and all who will be coming.  Rev. Dr. Ann Hagmann will offer a short meditation on “Goodwill.”  May the Spirit gather in those who need wholeness!

We want to thank everyone who has donated time, energy or money to the services.  Without the commitment of the people who make the services happen, they would not exist.  God bless you.  And thank you for the funds to offset expenses like candles, communion, and child care.

We are still in need of volunteers.  We are open to a few musicians, especially singers.  We REALLY need a couple of people to help with set up and take down.  Set up takes around an hour or so; take down less.  Also, people are welcome to volunteer on a part time basis, so they help some months but not others.  Please pray that the Spirit will provide us with the people who are needed.

Additionally, it is with sadness that I share that Mary Meoli Johnson, who has been a part of the Wholeness Services since the 2014-2015 series, has discerned that it is time for her to resign and engage her energies in other areas where the Lord is calling her.  Her work with us has been greatly appreciated, and she will be missed!  Please pray for her and for someone (or someones) to step up into a leadership role with us.

Our next service is Sunday December 9th at 6:30 pm at First United Methodist Church. We hope to see you there! Please continue to keep all the leadership and participants in your prayers. And please let others know about our wholeness service opportunity. We are grateful to you for your interest and prayers.   A blessed Christmas to you!

In Christ’s love,

Rev Dr Ann Hagmann