Zoom Gathering: A Peace That Is Not…

December 20, 2020 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm America/Chicago Timezone
Zoom bridge

Join us on December 20 for the fourth in our series of congregational Zoom gatherings. Christmas is a special season for the Wholeness Service, and as always, we will gather for our “Christmas by Candlelight” cebration of carols. We will celebrate the Peace of Christ, and listen to Steve Buchele’s meditation on what Christ means by bringing Peace. In the gathering, you will have an opportunity to:

  • light your own candles at home to reflect your prayers
  • lift up personally prayer requests during the intercessory time
  • observe a few minutes of deep silence together

Be sure to check us out on YouTube and Facebook for all of our virtual worship offerings, which are posted at various times during the month. Our Zoom Bridge can be accessed on this page: Wholeness 2020: Prayers by Zoom


Our Zoom Portal:  Use our website’s Zoom Portal to join our meetings with one click. After you log in (click the link above), you will be directed to the page with meeting details. If you do not have an account, click the “register” button to create a new one. Registration takes only seconds, but give yourself time to complete it, and to reach out for support if you need.

Email instead: If you don’t want to register, we can email a Zoom invitation to you. Send a request to inviteme@wholeness-service.org. A service leader will respond by sending you a Zoom invitation directly.

Joining the meeting:  IMPORTANT: Please arrive around 15 minutes early so the moderator will have time to admit you. Connect by clicking one of the “join” links before the meeting. You will be placed in our waiting room, and the meeting coordinator will admit you.

Using Zoom in our meetings: At first your Zoom window may not fill your whole screen. Click on the Square at the top right of the Zoom window to expand it. Your microphone will be muted, as you may see by the microphone image in the bottom left. You may unmute by pressing the space bar when you wish to share. The stage manager will switch from a gallery view with all participants showing to another view for presentations, but you are in full control of your individual experience, and may change it at any time.

Recordings: Screen capture recordings of some segments of the service will take place. Prayers, meditations, candle lighting, intercessory litanies – all of these will be recorded for use in virtual service videos after the meetings. Please be assured that personal concerns and congregational sharing will NOT be recorded or shared publicly except with the consent of all person(s) involved.

Support: If you have problems with your computer or with joining the Zoom bridge, you may call Bill Marsh at 512-635-0035. You may also wish to watch this brief tutorial on joining a Zoom meeting.

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