5404 Williams Drive
Texas 78633
Save the date and bring a friend! The Wholeness Service kicks off the year with a gathering and social on August 27, 2023. Starting at 4:00 pm, music directors welcome the public to 5404 Williams Drive, Georgetown TX, where we will review our songs for the season.
Snacks are back, let us know if you are coming?
We’re also bringing back the potluck snacks. Brace yourself for a bounty, our worship team doesn’t know how to skimp. We will serve some treats in the east wing of the sanctuary and provide a plenty of coffee and ice water. Water break provided in the middle of the session, then stick around afterward to socialize. Also important: It helps us if we know how much food to bring. If you’ll be there, would you please let us know? Click here to opt in.
Thinking of joining the music team?
Our theme for 2023-2024 is “Pursuing Peace.” We will continue to sing the haunting chants of early Christianity brought to us by the music of TaizĂ©, and we will continue to offer classical backdrops as well as appropriate choral anthems. All music is congregational, all congregation members are invited and encouraged to sing when the Little Choir sings.
Come to hear the sounds of Taizé and sing with us on August 28. Then come back September 25, and every month afterward, to add your voices to ours in our monthly evenings of candlelight contemplative prayer.
Our new songs for the season are:
Song # | Title | Key | Listen | Lyrics |
4 | Kyrie 1 | G | YouTube | Kyrie, Kyrie eleison, Kyrie, Kyrie eleison |
28 | Come and Fill | D | YouTube | Come and fill our hearts with Your peace. You alone, O Lord are holy Come and fill our hearts with Your peace. Alleluia. |
29 | Nothing Can Trouble | Am | YouTube | Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten. Those who seek God will never go wanting. Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten. God alone fills us. |
38 | My Soul is at Rest | Dm | YouTube | My soul is at rest in God alone. My salvation comes from God. |
104 | O God, Keep Me Safe | Eb | Listen | O God, keep me safe, for I trust in You. The pathway to life you teach me. With You is peace and joy in all fullness. |
109 | Dona Nobis Pacem | F | Listen | Dona nobis pacem, pacem. Dona nobis pacem. Dona nobis pacem, dona nobis pacem. Dona nobis pacem. Dona nobis pacem. |
110 | Shepherd Me O God | Dm | YouTube | Shepherd me, O God beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life. |
112 | Your Word, O Lord | F / Dm | YouTube | Your word, O Lord, is a light. My God, enlighten my darkness. O Lord, my God, enlighten my darkness. O Lord, my God, enlighten my darkness. |
114 | Let Your Servant Now Go in Peace | G | Listen | Let Your servant now go in peace, O Lord, now go in peace according to Your word. |
120 | Where There is Charity | E | Listen | Where there is charity, selfless love, where there is charity, God is truly there. |
Songs we’ve carried over from last season are:
Song # | Title | Key | Listen | Lyrics |
3 | Alleluia 11 | Dm | YouTube | Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! |
9 | Bless the Lord | Dm | YouTube | Bless the Lord, my soul, and bless God’s holy name, Bless the Lord my soul, who brings me into life |
11 | It Is Good to Trust | Dm | YouTube | It is good to trust in the Lord our God, trust and hope in the Lord our God. |
12 | Wait for the Lord | Em | YouTube | Wait for the Lord whose day is near. Wait for the Lord, be strong, take heart. |
16 | Glory to God (“Gloria 3”) | F | YouTube | Gloria, gloria, in excelsis Deo! Gloria, gloria, alleluia, alleluia! |
18 | Raise a Song of Gladness | D | YouTube | Raise a song of gladness, peoples of the earth. Christ has come, bringing peace, joy to ev’ry heart. Alleluia, alleluia, joy to ev’ry heart. Alleluia, alleluia joy to ev’ry heart. |
20 | O Lord, Hear My Prayer | Em | YouTube | O Lord, hear my prayer, o Lord, hear my prayer, when I call answer me O Lord, hear my prayer, o Lord, hear my prayer, come and listen to me. |
21 | Stay With Us | Gm | YouTube | Stay with us, O Lord Jesus Christ. Night will soon fall. Then, stay with us, O Lord Jesus Christ, light in our darkness. |
32 | Christ Jesus | D | YouTube | Christ Jesus, Lord and savior, Christ Jesus Lord and savior. |
35 | Sing Praise and Bless the Lord | Am | YouTube | Sing praise and bless the lord, sing praise and bless the lord, peoples, nations, alleluia! |
41 | Come Holy Spirit | A | YouTube | Holy Spirit come to us. |
44 | Give Peace | Cm | YouTube | Give peace to every heart, give peace to every heart, give peace, Lord, give peace, Lord |
45 | Sing Out My Soul | G | YouTube | Sing out my soul, sing out my soul, sing out and glorify the Lord who set you free. Sing out my soul, sing out my soul, sing out and glorify the Lord, God. |
46 | By Night | Dm | YouTube | By night, we hasten, in darkness, to seek for the living water, only our thirst lights us onwards, only our thirst lights us onwards. |
47 | In the Lord | F | YouTube | In the Lord, I’ll be ever thankful, in the Lord I will rejoice. Look to God, do not be afraid, lift up your voices the Lord is near. Lift up your voices the Lord is near. |
48 | Sing Praises (Laudate Omnes Gentes) | Eb | YouTube | Sing praises, all you peoples, sing praises to the Lord. Sing praises, all you peoples, sing praises to the Lord. |
103 | Eat This Bread | G | YouTube | Eat this bread, drink this cup, come to Him and never be hungry. Eat this bread, drink this cup. Trust in Him and you will not thirst. |
107 | Let All Who Are Thirsty Come | D | YouTube | Let all who are thirsty come. Let all who wish receive the water of life freely, Amen. Come Lord Jesus, Amen, come Lord Jesus. |
111 | Holy Spirit Come to Us (Tui Amoris) | Em | YouTube | Holy Spirit, come to us. Kindle in us the fire of Your love. Holy Spirit come to us, Holy Spirit come to us. |
200 | O Come, O Come Emmanuel | Em | Practice Track | Christmas Addendum |
201 | O Come All Ye Faithful | G | Practice Track | Christmas Addendum |
202 | Angels From the Realms of Glory | Bb | Practice Track | Christmas Addendum |
203 | The First Noël | C | Practice Track | Christmas Addendum |
204 | Angels We Have Heard on High | F | Practice Track | Christmas Addendum |
205 | Silent Night | Bb | Practice Track | Christmas Addendum |
206 | Away in a Manger | F | Practice Track | Christmas Addendum |
207 | What Child is This | Dm | Practice Track | Christmas Addendum |
208 | Hark! The Herald Angels Sing | F | Practice Track | Christmas Addendum |
209 | Joy to the World | C | Practice Track | Christmas Addendum |
210 | God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen | Em | Practice Track | Christmas Addendum |
211 | Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming | F | Practice Track | Christmas Addendum |