Jesus said “Blessed are the [meek, gentle, and humble], for they will inherit the earth.” No matter how you translate it, to those listening to Jesus then, or to those of us who hear him now, what he has spoken is a paradox, that is, a statement that contradicts itself. […]
Psalm 42: 1-5 and John 16:33 Jesus blesses what we normally think is not bless-ed. We all long to be blessed, and yet we think we are unworthy because we are human and have troubles. In times of discomfort or immense sadness, God’s comfort does not necessarily mean ‘comfortable.’ In our […]
This scriptural passage is packed with questions: What does it mean to be poor in Spirit? Who are the poor in Spirit? Jesus stated the kingdom of heaven is theirs. How do we claim that promise in our present day lives? Spiritual practices, religious rituals, do they hold the keys […]
A way to keep Praying Immediately following the COVID lockdown in March, 2020, the Wholeness Service was faced with a difficult choice: continue to lead prayer or shut down. We chose to continue. Our decision resulted in a series of virtual events on our YouTube and Facebook channels, which we’ve linked here for […]
The Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness Service is back for another season. Mark your calendars and join us at San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, Georgetown, TX, for a season of services devoted to The Beatitudes. Mark your calendars and save these dates: Blessed are . . . the Poor in Spirit – September […]
‘Amen’ is a Biblical shout proclaiming: “So be it!,” or “Let it be as said!” Its Semitic root means “certainty,” “truth,” and “verily.” As we know, the word ‘Amen’ frequently occurs at the end of a prayer, and a worshipper will say ‘Amen’ to indicate they are in agreement with […]
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love*.” John 15:9, NIV. “I no longer call you servants….Instead, I have called you friends….” John 15:15, NIV. As I read and reflect in my daily life, it seems that some key words keep popping […]
The closing phrases of the Lord’s Prayer are not found in scripture. Rather, they return us to where the prayer begins: to God. As a “doxology,” they remind us to praise. And they lead us to reflect on how we encounter God. They remind us that the prayer is not […]
As we are created, God calls us “Good,” in harmony with God When we doubt, or forget, we are easily drawn away by our perception that esteem, security, and control can be found elsewhere Temptations to folly and evil can be as subtle as shaming or blaming, leaning on only […]
If God does not tempt us, why did Jesus instruct us to pray ‘Lead us not into temptation?’ It is not wrong to be tempted or tested (Jesus was!). It is wrong to give in to this temptation. “Lead us not into temptation” means paying attention to how God is working to lead […]
For most of us, the most difficult phrase in the Lord’s Prayer is vs. 12, “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Forgiveness can seem impossible, and yet in Matthew 6, Jesus teaches us that God’s forgiveness is contingent upon whether we forgive others. […]
We have an unconsummated longing for God. We ache because this unconsummated longing doesn’t bother us enough. Contemplative prayer, where we rest in The Presence of ‘The Bread of Life’ helps to soothe this ache. We hope that you can come November 21, as we break bread together. Jim Deuser, Lay Speaker […]