Prayer Letter for APRIL 2024

group of people with their fists together


Dear Friends of the Wholeness Services, 

Our last in person meeting on March 24 at St. Gabriel’s Presbyterian Church on Williams Drive in Georgetown, Texas, was very well-attended. Our volunteers were outstanding in their work to fulfill the needs of all who came.  We can always use more volunteers, so please pray about your involvement and contact Karen Strange (, as you feel called to join in this special ministry.

This coming April 28, at 6:30 p.m. we will gather again to worship God and focus on our season theme of Pursuing Peace. On this seventh service of the 2023-24 season, we will reflect on how we can incorporate The Power of Peace as we live out our own spiritual journeys. We will consider how Jesus reminds us of His desire for us to claim His kind of peace so we can minister to others out of that powerful position of being a non-anxious presence in a chaotic world today.  How do we make that connection with the intimacy needed to maintain such peace in our day to day lives?  Our service will be an opportunity to ponder this in the healing presence of God’s love and the healing musical prayers of Taizé. For more about our service: The Power of Peace.

I hope that you will be able to be with us this month in-person or over Youtube or Facebook. Please pray that the healing love of God will be poured out at our service and that the Holy Spirit might be among us and encourage us.  Rev. Mary Powell will lead our reflection, Mr. Jim Deuser our litany, and Rev Mary Powell our communion.  Please keep them, Ginger Mann (Music Minister), musicians, and other volunteers in your prayers as they prepare for our service. Please also lift up those that will be drawn to the service for sacred time and space, for encouragement in faith, hope and love. May God hear their prayers and those of all of us. 

Join us at our next service – April 28 at 6:30 p.m. at San Gabriel Presbyterian Church.

May you be aware of the indwelling Spirit of our God this month! Have a blessed April. God loves you and wants to hold you close!

Rev. Mary Powell

P.S. If you know anyone who would appreciate this prayer letter, please pass it on. If you would like to share a brochure or flyer with others, we try to keep our media supplied, so that you can pick any you would like after our services. If you are interested and we have run out of stock, please let one of us know and we will order more!


Address: San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, 5404 Williams Drive, Georgetown, TX 78633