
Prayer Letter for September 2023

person holding a globe

FIRST GATHERING of 2023-2024 SEASON: Sunday, September 24, at 6:30 p.m.!

San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, 5404 Williams Drive, Georgetown

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service,

Peace be with you! We welcome you to the first Wholeness Service of the 2023-2024 season. Our theme this year is “Pursuing Peace”.  As we explore what peace means in our lives, we will be asking a lot of ourselves.  This first service is devoted to “Loving Our Neighbor”, which, perhaps you will agree, sounds a lot easier than it is.  

The Lord gave us the famous story of the Good Samaritan—such a powerful example of being a good neighbor. Jesus makes it clear that our neighbor need not be of our race, our class, our country, or our acquaintance. It’s thought to be relatively easy to love those we like—our family, our friends, and those like us. But even this can be difficult.  How often do we chafe at the idiosyncrasies we see in those close to us? And do we make it easy for those close to us to love us with our own idiosyncrasies?

And what of those we see but don’t really know, like checkers at the grocery store or the gas station?  What of those we encounter at church but don’t really know?  What of those with whom we are brought together in our work?  How do we express our love for them?  What does it mean to love them? Surely this is not romantic love, but what is it?  What are we supposed to do?

Finally, what of those whose religious or political opinions are so different from ours?  It seems that our society, particularly in our social media expression, is significantly stumbling in this regard. How should I be part of the solution and not part of the problem? What if I see public figures doing evil? How can I possibly love them?

Please join us on Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m., on September 24 either in person or online. We will sing Biblical scripture in the great music of Taizé, worship in the Holy Spirit, and share The Lord’s Supper.

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

Jim Deuser

We look forward to seeing you September 24 at 6:30 p.m.! Below is the address of our host:


Address: San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, 5404 Williams Drive, Georgetown, TX 78633