Prayer Letter for March 2023

close up photo of young girl doing peace sign

This year has flown by like so many.  March will be our 7th Wholeness service of the year and we will still be in the Lenten season.

My prayer this month is for peace and peacemakers. Please join with me as we pray;

O Source of Blessing and Peace,

We unite in prayer for peace. May our hearts find peace in the inner rhythm of our hearts’ divine beat. May we act out of true love toward one another.

May our minds find peace in the quiet space of inspiration. May we dwell in the heart of Christ.

May our bodies find peace in rest from our labors. May our congregations find peace in the blessings of community.  And may our world find shalom in the peace of Christ that we share. Amen. 

Rev. Mary Margaret Sallet


Address: San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, 5404 Williams Drive, Georgetown, TX 78633