“ Blessed are those [who seek virtue], who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” (Matthew 5:6) Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service, Here at the end of the year this is our prayer: The past is behind us. We lift our heads and pray for a different […]
Monthly Archives: November 2022
Matthew 5:6 says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (who seek virtue), for they shall be filled.” We know that Jesus wouldn’t make such a promise and not fulfill it. But what does ‘virtuous’ mean and how do we become so? Few are familiar with the seven […]
Next Service: Sunday, NOVEMBER 20, 2022 at 6:30 PM. IN-PERSON GATHERING: San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, 5404 Williams Drive, Georgetown LIVESTREAM: Click Facebook or YouTube to join. “Blessed are the [meek, gentle, humble], for they will inherit the earth.” –Matthew 5:5 Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service: On Monday mornings, when we’re in Colorado Springs, I […]
Jesus said “Blessed are the [meek, gentle, and humble], for they will inherit the earth.” No matter how you translate it, to those listening to Jesus then, or to those of us who hear him now, what he has spoken is a paradox, that is, a statement that contradicts itself. […]