October 2022 Prayer Letter

silhouette photo of a woman looking through window

Next Service: Sunday, OCTOBER 23, 2022 at 6:30 PM.

IN-PERSON GATHERING: San Gabriel Presbyterian Church, 5404 Williams Drive, Georgetown

LIVESTREAM: Click Facebook or YouTube to join. 

“Blessed are those who mourn, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” 

Matthew 5:3

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service,

Dear Ones, 

In October, we continue meditating on Jesus’ words from Matthew 5:4, the second “Blessed are” phrase, “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted…for theirs is the kingdom of God.”

We listen as Jesus teaches something extraordinary and even confusing because He says that the things we normally think of as terrible or distasteful or difficult are blessed and to be envied! He reminds us that the Kingdom of God doesn’t work the way the Kingdoms of the Earth do. He shows us that it’s not by might or power that we are blessed, but through letting go of our normal ways of thinking and doing. It’s by trusting and acting in Love that blessing is received and given again.  

Come feel the vibrations of Life and Truth echo through your body and the sanctuary as you chant the loveliness of Taize. Come and listen to beautiful prayers in music, song, and word. Come as you are, mourning or troubled, seeking peace or purity in heart…all are welcome. Rejoice and be glad, for yours is the Kingdom of God.   

You are blessed.  

Rev. Vicki Joy McClure

P.S. We look forward to seeing you October 23 at 6:30 p.m.!