May 2022, Prayer Letter

Last Service of the Season: Sunday, May 22, 2022 @ 6:30 p.m.

IN-PERSON GATHERING: San Gabriel Presbyterian Church

LIVESTREAM: Click Facebook or YouTube to join. 

 “Blessed be the Lord forever. Amen and Amen.” Psalm 89:52, NRSV 

“Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.” Romans 15:33, NRSV      

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service:

I hope this prayer letter finds you well. It is hard to believe that we are now 9 months out from when we started the Lord’s Prayer series last September. Time seems to be flying. May 22 will be the last service of the series and will address the last word of the prayer: “Amen.” Following this service, we will have our normal summer break over June, July, and August. 

In the Book of James 5:13-16, James writes that if any are cheerful they should sing songs of praise, and if any are sick they should call for the elders of the church to anoint them with oil and pray over them.  James says, “The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.”  Righteous are those seeking right-relationship with God, not those who think they are morally superior to everyone else. Following James’ advice, we want to invite you to come to the May 22 service and “sing songs of praise.” If you are sick, know someone sick, or wish to pray for our sick world, please come May 22 and pray. In addition to normal prayer opportunities, an anointing and blessing will be offered at communion time to help hold us over the summer by encouraging our faith.

I will be the one providing the message for the May 22 service. This ends up being one of God’s synchronicities for me, as ‘Amen’ means “so be it,” this is where I stand, or with these words I agree.  Back in February I discerned that after a glorious 20 years of involvement with the Taizé / Wholeness Services, I am moving into a new season in life and need to resign, and so it is that the Lord’s Prayer and my service to the Wholeness Service have come down to a final “Amen” together.

My work with the service was a great blessing and brought joy, worship, and balance to my life as a hospice chaplain for 18 years. The Wholeness Service has had a great companion throughout all of its years: the Holy Spirit. The Spirit has blessed us with people, guidance, hope, healing, and nurture. I can only respond with worship, thanksgiving, praise, and “Amen.” 

Please continue to pray for the concerns of the world. Pray for those suffering from Covid, as well as their families, caregivers, and medical people on the front lines. Pray for the Ukrainians, that God will free them from the Russians. Pray for the wisdom of all of the governments in this time of great transitions in the world. Pray for the peace and unity of our own country. And please pray for our service and those who will be participating in it or attending it. Pray that those who should be there for a blessing, will indeed be there and receive their blessing. 

Again, the final Wholeness Service of the season will be at San Gabriel Presbyterian Church on May 22, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.. All are welcome. We hope to see you there! If you are unable to join us physically, we will also be live-streaming the service (Click Facebook or YouTube to join.) and recording a copy to post on our YouTube channel afterwards. 

We look forward to seeing you on May 22! Please spread the word and invite others to join us!

God bless you,

Rev. Dr. Ann Hagmann