May, 2021 Prayer Letter: Self-control

Next Service: Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service,

Greetings of grace and peace.  It seems amazing that we are out near the middle of May and that almost half of the year 2021 is already over! I hope much in your life is improving as Covid has decreased, vaccines have been received, and life is moving towards a new normal. We are hoping to be gathering in person, as well as streaming our services for 2021-2022. But more about that later. 

This month on May 23, Rev. Steve Buchele will lead us in one of the most necessary gifts of the Holy Spirit: self-control.  His meditation is entitled “Know Thyself, Control Thyself, Give Thyself.” It is the last service of the 2020-2021 season and is also Pentecost, a great day for prayer to be infused with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially self-control.  Following Steve’s meditation, we will have intercessions and silence. Then Ginger will lead us into a period of contemplative worship with evening prayers in the Taize common prayer tradition of alternating songs and Scripture readings.

Please lift-up all of us in prayer as Ginger and Karen work with the music and the technology, and the pastoral team works on prayers and meditations.  Especially this month let us remember Jim Deuser who regularly brings us the intercessions and Rev. Steve who gives us the meditation. Let us pray for their anointing and inspiration.  After all, May 23 is Pentecost! A great day to pray that the Spirit will set our hearts on fire with love.

As with most things in life right now, we are making plans for the future, but the future is unknown.  This month’s service completes the 2020-2021 season, and we hope to usher in the new season in September with in-person worship services planned for the normal September-May timeframe.  We will be off for the Summer – June, July, and August.  Our theme for 2021-2022 is The Lord’s Prayer, and we will be blessed with the pastoral support and meditations of Mr. Jim Deuser and the Revs. Steve Buchele, John Clifford, Mary Powell, and myself. We are very excited about the new season and being together again, even if it is a bit different! 

We need a great deal of prayers for this future.  Where we will meet is not certain. Our hope is to stream the live-in person services, but this will require people and money.  Our hope and prayer is to align ourselves with what the Holy Spirit is trying to accomplish through us, and to be instruments of Christ’s peace, hope, and love.  The Spirit will open the doors if we will go seeking, asking, knocking. Please join us in these prayers, and for the continuation of the services to promote healing and wholeness.

We look forward to seeing you on May 23. Please spread the word and invite others.  


Rev. Dr. Ann Hagmann  


=================================See you at the Zoom
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