April, 2021 Prayer Letter: Gentleness

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service, 

As missionaries of God’s Kingdom, St. Peter reminds us to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”  (1 Peter 3:15a).  This is why we,  as followers of Jesus, need to know our own story, and be ready to share the reason that we have hope.  That reason is not in how “Jesus came to fulfill us,” as Richard Rohr writes, but in how “we have come to fulfill Christ.”  As we follow Jesus, we will come to fulfill his mission in the world by sharing the hope we have in him.  

St. Peter continues with a second and equally important reminder: “But do this with gentleness and respect.”  I think St. Peter means that when we share the reason for our hope, we are to be gentle in both what we share, and how we share it.  Our reasoning must come from a place of love, not fueled by pride or given in arrogance, not by being rude, or irritable.  Not in boastfulness, nor in insisting in our own way, but with truth and respect for those we share our hope with. 

Gentleness will be the topic of the April 25 Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness Service.  Rev. Mary Powell will deliver a meditation based on Philippians 4:4-5 and the beginning of Psalm 23.  Personally, I think our pandemic woes could be lessened if we just observed a bit more gentleness with each other.  I’m looking forward to Pastor Mary’s message as she asks “When the power went off and fear arose in your mind, did you remember the gentle touch of the Shepherd described in Psalm 23?” 

Join us in our congregational Zoom Gathering at 6:30 p.m., April 25, 2021.

This month’s service will include a time for communion so be sure to prepare by having your communion elements ready as well as a candle.  

As usual there will be music, candle-lighting, intercessory prayer, a five-minute period of silence, more music, and a closing benediction to prepare us for the month ahead!

We are thankful for the faithfulness of God as we gather to worship online! We welcome you to join us for Healing and Wholeness on April 25 at 6:30 p.m.! Please come! [Link to Pastor Mary’s introduction and Zoom instructions.] 


Rev. Steven Buchele
=================================See you at the Zoom
Click this link to join the service.Bridge opens: 6:15 pmService starts: 6:30 pm Need help joining? Call Bill Marsh at 512-635-0035