September, 2020 Prayer Letter

First ZOOM GATHERING September 27, 2020 6:30PM

                Dear Friends of the Wholeness Services,

              I am excited to tell you that something new is coming!! This 4th Sunday of September we are going to host our first live Zoom gathering of the Georgetown Ecumenical Wholeness community!!!  We will gather at our normal service time, but this will be a mix of gathering together, experiencing some things we have already videoed (including the Taize music we love), and focusing on areas of prayer we have not been able to do virtually before.  

              Our Zoom will not be an attempt to create and produce a regular wholeness service.  As explained before, that requires time and talents that we do not currently have available to us. However, we are excited to offer elements of healing and encouragement, and the opportunity for everyone to participate! Even those of us who are far away from home, such as Steve and Suzanne Buchele in Hanoi, can connect with others who worship on September 27.    

              When reflecting on some of the offerings available to us in person that couldn’t be done the same virtually last April and May, personal prayers and silence stood out to me.  So, our experience this September 27th seeks to capture some of this experience.  You will have an opportunity to:

  • light your own candles at home to reflect your prayers;
  • send personal prayer requests via chat to have them lifted-up during the intercessory prayer;
  • observe 3 minutes of silence together.  (Don’t worry, our centering prayer group does 20 minutes together on Zoom in silence each week.)       

Please help us get the word out to your churches and organizations.  We plan to hold something similar on Zoom for October – December as well.  Rev. Steve Buchele has promised us some videos from around the world!  I will be leading us through this first Zoom gathering, so please keep me and all of the leadership team in your prayers.   

              Be sure to check us out on YouTube and Facebook as different new things are posted there during the month as they become available.  I will be putting out a meditation this month on Abiding in Love:  What Makes the Spirit Flow.

The link for the September 27th Wholeness Prayer Gathering Zoom is listed below.

September Zoom Prayer Gathering

Connect to Zoom with the link above after 6:15 pm on September 27. You will be placed in our waiting room. At first your Zoom window may not fill your whole screen. Click on the Square at the top right of the Zoom window to expand it. Your microphone will be muted, as you may see by the microphone image in the bottom left. You may unmute by pressing the space bar when you wish to share. Ginger Mann is our stage manager. She will switch from a gallery view with all participants showing to another view for presentations.  If you have problems with your computer you may call Bill Marsh at 512-635-0035 during the session.

Recalling the words of the Spirit to Isaiah, “And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it”  (30:21).   We have listened and heard, “this is the way walk in it, “so now it is up to the Spirit and to us, the community of faith.  We are being faithful to what we heard.  We hope to see you in two weeks!

 God bless you, heal you, and keep you!  God bless and fill the whole world with healing power and forgiveness. 

Rev. Dr. Ann Hagmann