April, 2020 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Services, 

Being the eve of April 1st I’d love to tell you that Covid-19 is just a really bad joke.  But it is not.  It is real.  I will however remind you that “God didn’t give us a spirit that is timid but one that is powerful, loving, and self-controlled” (2Timothy 1:7 C.E.).  Daily or hourly we may have to tell ourselves that but preaching Scripture to ourselves is a strong source of power and wise to do!

Despite the uncertain times, which calls on us to trust God and do the best we can to be His followers, lights in the darkness, I hope this letter finds you discovering blessings with each day of life!  I have been finding joy in Psalm 117 Praise the Lord, all you nations! Worship Him, all you peoples! Because God’s faithful love toward us is strong, the Lord’s faithfulness lasts forever! Praise the Lord! (CE) God is faithful and loving and we must be too. We must reaffirm that to ourselves regularly.

We all need inspiration, strength, and beauty to sustain our hope each day.  On March 22nd when we had to cancel our service, Ginger Mann, our music director put together an exquisite service of what would have happened, in the time and flow of the service. She did this so we could be together in Spirit, if not in flesh.  She posted meditation by both Rev John Clifford and myself.  And of course, the beautiful prayers and Taize music, and even a communion consecration.  I hope you have gone to the website, because she has put things together that are inspiring and uplifting. https://wholeness-service.org     https://facebook.com/taizegeorgetown.  And please pass this jewel of advice on to others.

I’m sure she will bless us again this month at our cancelled April 26th service at 6:30, but there will be more about that down the road.   

Editor’s note: A prayer litany was also prepared and delivered for March’s service by lay pastor Jim Deuser. It’s a lovely companion to the Taizé Kyrie we are used to singing together.

I hope you remain strong throughout this pandemic.  God is able to do in us abundantly more than we can imagine, so remain strong in prayer and the Holy Spirit and stand firm.  Please continue to prayer for our services and the community that participates and attends.  Our healing and wholeness must continue.  And virtually we can still share many things. 

God bless you and keep you, Rev Dr Ann Hagmann

A Meditation for March, 2020 by Rev. John Clifford
A meditation for March, 2020 by Rev. Dr. Ann Hagmann
A prayer litany for March, 2020 by lay pastor Jim Deuser