
Healing and Hope in Dark Times

In the first days last week of realizing we were on a collision course with COVID-19, it seemed surreal.  But I felt and feel a deep peace  … a peace born of God’s presence with us and the Creator’s abundant grace surrounding us.  It is the type of peace I have prayed for (and modeled my life after) from Philippians 4:4-7 – Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say rejoice. Let your gentleness be made known to all for the Lord is near. And do not worry about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your requests made known to God, and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your mind and hearts in Christ Jesus. What an encouragement to my soul! What a wonderful peace for us to have! A peace available to all of us!!! The kind that surpasses understanding.  Peace from a faith and hope that trusts the Faithful One to be there and carry us through.  Faith is built by stepping out on it and trusting.  Now is a good time for that.   Step out and trust.

Have you ever had that experience of falling and while it is happening it feels like you are in slow motion as you assess the fall before hitting the ground?  In the world of the coronavirus, I have felt like we are in a slow-motion fall …. how we are going to land isn’t known yet. How quickly we can weather COVID-19 and stabilize, along with the rest of the world, is unknown. It seems to be happening in  slow-mo, yet the cases keep increasing exponentially. While I don’t know the future, I know who holds the future!   When I check my heart about the worst possible outcomes, I find myself comforted by Job 1:20-21 whose heart I understand.  Job after finding out his fields, flocks, and children had all been destroyed, “arose, tore his robe, shaved his head, and fell on the ground and worshiped.  He said, ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there; the Lord has given, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.’” Life is a gift, and I have been and am abundantly blest.  I can only carry gratitude and love in my heart for God.  I have been loved, and I have loved.  What a blessing!

As the days seem to go by quickly, one of the greatest joys in my life is being outdoors as much and as long as I can each day, drinking in the Spring life surrounding me.  There is no healing tonic like Nature.  I encourage all of you to seek the healing nurturing touch of the Natural world around you.  Yesterday on a bluebonnet drive, we found several cars of people parked individually enjoying the sunset taking place across the bridge.  Nature is miraculous and as Elizabeth Barrett Browning said:  Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God; and only he who see takes off his shoes.  I pray we are each people of spiritual sight who can see the burning bushes around us!  I pray we are people who can see the joy and blessings of our lives and respond with gratitude.  I encourage you to trust the Holy Spirit to lead you and support you each day.   Turn to the Spirit and ask for the grace and power to do in you what you may not be able to do for yourselves.  Pray to the Spirit to be with you every day.  To this end, I encourage you to find new and simple ways to pray. 

Something I have been doing to increase my prayers but keep them simple is to use my Anglican prayer beads.  They consist of a cross or symbol of faith, 5 special beads and four sets of 7 beads each.  On the symbol and special beads, I pray Psalms 121 or 23, the Lord’s Prayer or other favorite prayers. Each time the prayers may be different.  On each set of 7 beads, I may repeat the same prayer such as “Loving One have mercy on us all.”  Or it might be “Fill the Earth with you healing, loving power.”  I may go thru a set and lift us 7 different groups for prayer.  The important thing is I am praying. And I am praying more.  I encourage you to create what works for you in this Sabbath time.  It isn’t ordinary time, so don’t treat it as ordinary time.  But find ways to turn your worry or concern to quick prayers for all.

I also urge you to send cards and make calls to others.  It will be life giving and uplifting for them and you!  We all need healing. 

And finally, today I’d say do something you haven’t done because you haven’t had the time or opportunity before.  During this enforced Sabbath, embrace it as an opportunity to grow closer to God and others.  And to celebrate the gift of life.  So, do something you have put off or would greatly enjoy, and give thanks for all your blessings, and for all of our blessings, as you lift up the world for prayer and healing. 

God’s deep shalom to you.   Rev Dr Ann Hagmann

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