Desert Time: A Litany

A prayer for the service of healing and wholeness, March 22, 2020

Oh, Lord, we find ourselves in the midst of our 40 days of desert time, similar to Your 40 days in the desert.  In completing our preparation for your Resurrection, help us Oh, Lord.

We come before you, Lord, in this time of reflection, becoming more aware of our insignificance in Your universe, frightened by our realization of being so petty and small, and still so proud, and so thoughtless of our potential for Love.  Help us to see ourselves as You see us!  Help us, Oh Lord.

Oh, Lord, we are so judgmental, so prejudiced in so many ways, so dogmatic and so hypocritical.  Asking your pardon and confident in your Mercy, help us oh, Lord.

Oh, Lord, we know that we depend on You for everything, but still we act like we’re in charge.  Forgive us, Lord, and in seeking to abandon ourselves in you, help us oh, Lord. 

Oh, Lord, as we become more and more aware of those in the world who suffer, we pray that our hearts will be moved to live in solidarity with them.  Help us oh, Lord.

Oh, Lord, You who bear the pain of our divisiveness and long for union with us, help us love each other, even when this is almost more than we can even conceive of.  Help us oh, Lord.

Oh, Lord,  we live in a desert of our own making.  We can make this desert bloom by our love and service for others.  Help us in this realization, oh, Lord.

Oh, Lord, sometimes when we pray, we’re in the desert and don’t hear Your voice.  Even then, we pray that we will never break faith with our awakened hearts.  Help us, Oh, Lord.  

Oh, Lord, over and over we renew our resolve to pray and to rest in You. Then we forget, we make excuses, and we falter and fail so often, and still You love us!  To love you back more each day, and live more and more in Your Presence, help us, Oh, Lord.

We lift up to You, these prayers, these people, these concerns, and these intentions…

While reading this litany, we invite you to immerse yourself in our familiar Kyrie. Lift your voice and join your spirit with ours.

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