
March, 2020 Prayer Letter

Cancelled Service: March 22nd at 6:30 p.m.

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Services,

It is with sadness that I tell you that our March service has been cancelled in an effort to aid in fighting the spread of the coronavirus and in protecting the most vulnerable among us.  I know this is hard news for many who depend upon the service to lift their spirits and to draw close to God.  Though we aren’t meeting, I have attached a link that Ginger provided so that you can listen to the beautiful Taize music that had been planned for the service.  Just listening to the music can bring us into the presence of God!

YouTube player

I find it curious that thematically we are in the desert time, as we face this unprecedented pandemic crisis affecting us all.  Since it is desert time, we need more than ever to seek God and listen.  Like the desert, many things are being stripped away from us.  We are in a barren land.  I’m reminded of the words of Isaiah 40:31 They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not grow faint.  

“Since it is desert time,” we need more than ever to seek God and listen.”

It is important that we listen and let God guide us during this time to be patient, understanding, faithful, and loving in how we handle the crisis and others.  If we wait and hope in God, remaining faithful to pray for all and for God’s guidance, I feel confident that God will see us through this.  In the meantime, there is much about the world and about the Wholeness Service that is prayer worthy.

I was visiting with Vinny, one of our devoted volunteers, earlier this week.  He was sharing how he loves that our services’ emphasis the fruits of the spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.  We promote these and operate out of them.  This is a strong contrast to what Vinny experienced growing up in Pentecostal churches where the focus was on the gifts of the spirit – preaching, prophecy, healing etc.  As we talked it became clear that we, all of us together, function beautifully as the body of Christ for the benefit of all.  Our gifts are given by the Spirit to promote God’s work among us! Praise God! How fortunate we each are to be a part of God’s work and fruit!

The Wholeness leadership plans to meet March 26 (subject to change) to discuss logistics for this year and the theme for our next season, September 2020 – May 2021.  I think one focus to consider are the nine fruits of the Spirit Vinny mentioned.  I ask that you all earnestly pray that we be guided to the right topics. Also pray that although we are not meeting this month, that God will provide the answers, comfort, and directions that those who would have attended need.  As always please continue to pray for our volunteer leaders and for our April and May services. 

God bless each of you and keep you safe!  Let us trust together in the Lord and let Him bring good from all the difficulties that are surrounding us.  

Rev Dr Ann Hagmann

Our next service is at First United Methodist Church on Sunday April 26rd at 6:30 pm.