January, 2020 Prayer Letter

Next Service – January 26th at 6:30 p.m.

“Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary, praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty deeds; … Praise Him with trumpet sound; … Praise Him with strings and pipe! … Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 150) 

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Services, what a blessing it is for us to have the freedom and opportunity to choose to gather together to worship God and to be touched by the encounter! How blest and fortunate we are indeed! 

I am excited to welcome you to the remaining five services scheduled for the 2019-2020 season. [As always we will take the Summer off and regather in September for the 2020-2021 series.]  The next five months will continue to focus on our theme, Loving God – Seeking the Sacred in the Ordinary, as we strive to be aware of God in our daily lives and world, to see the miracles that surround us, and the burning bushes that call to us, to feel oneness with God’s creation and to know God is with us, we are not alone.

God has also blest you with this service just as you are a blessing to the services!  Since we are all volunteers, it’s a nice win/win situation.  Your volunteer help and prayers are critical to the wholeness of our services.  Thank you to each of you.  I hope you will continue to regularly pray for the service, the leaders, the participants, and the healing and wholeness that has and that will happen in the future.

On January 26th we will welcome back Rev. John Clifford who will lead our service on Renewal.  

Please be in prayer for John and for all of our volunteers, participants and attendees.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to gather us together and bless us with the Spirit’s presence and touch.

I am reminded that when God told Moses to turn the leadership of the Israelites over to Joshua for Joshua to lead them into the promised land, Deuteronomy records the admonition to “be strong and bold; have no fear or dread of them [the enemy], because it is the Lord your God who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you” (31:6).  We, in the Georgetown Texas area, who would step out for healing and wholeness, to praise and seek God, and give thanks for God’s love and for our blessings, let us do so with the assurance that God is with us, leading us and guiding us.   Let us be bold and not fearful, for God will not fail or forsake us!  To each of you we wish you peace and healing strength for the journey ahead of us in 2020.

In Christ’s love, 

              Rev Dr Ann Hagmann

P.S.: If you know anyone who would appreciate this prayer letter, please pass it on.  Also, there are flyers available at the services.