January, 2019 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends of the Wholeness Service,

Grace and peace to each of you.  I hope that you had a wonderful and meaningful Christmas season.  Our December Wholeness Service was a blessing to all.  We are indebted to the wonderful work that Ginger Mann and her choir and musicians provide. Praise God and thank each of you for your gifts and your commitment to our wholeness service and helping people find healing and wholeness through prayers of music.

Thank God also for Judy Turnbull, our candle lady, and the opportunity for intercessory prayers and candle lighting that gives us a concrete way to present our prayers and desires to God in a meaningful way.

Thank you also to those who helped dismantle and reset up the sanctuary.  Many hands make light work.  We are grateful for your support, and hope, as you are able, that you will continue in the coming months to provide help too.  We are all volunteers and share a rich 20-year history of serving God and one another through our wholeness services.  Your ongoing prayers are critical to our success in facilitating sacred space where people can encounter the Holy Spirit and find safety, hope, and greater wholeness.  Our society, and indeed our world is in desperate need of such healing and wholeness.

As we turn to 2019 and the second half of our season, we continue to explore hospitality and the healing hearth.  Rev. Dr. Martha Bessac will lead us in the hospitality of shelter.  Please keep her and all those preparing the service in your prayers.

Our next service is Sunday January 27th at 6:30 pm at First United Methodist Church. We hope to see you there! Please continue to keep all the leadership and participants in your prayers. And please let others know about our wholeness service opportunity. We are grateful to you for your interest and prayers.   May 2019 be a prosperous year in our faith, hope, and love.  And may our services promote healing and wholeness in the world.

In Christ’s love,

Rev Dr Ann Hagmann